Words about Images: Exploring the Visual Culture We Live in

Welcome to my corner of the internet, a space where we can delve into the captivating world of visual culture and uncover the stories behind the images surrounding us. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but for this first post, I'll aim for around 300 words (give or take).

I've contemplated creating an official platform to share my thoughts and musings about visual culture, focusing on the expressive power of illustration and images. 


Consider these not-so-surprising statistics: 

These numbers vividly show how deeply ingrained images are in our lives. I think it's high time we pause and reflect on their significance.

For years, I set aside my love for writing, convinced that my degree in English Literature wouldn't be practical or valuable in the real world. However, as time passed, I realized I had lost touch with my passion for writing, content creation, and storytelling. I saw an opportunity to combine it with my other passion, illustration.

In a world where automated content and AI writing rapidly advance, I want to reclaim my voice and reignite my enthusiasm for the visual arts. And so, this blog was born—an opportunity for me to offer a unique perspective and contribute to the ongoing conversation. 

More specifically, a place where I can wholeheartedly geek out over all things illustration.

I will approach my topics critically, embracing transparency, vulnerability, and curiosity. I aim to explore various illustration and visual communication facets from theoretical and practical angles.

One area of particular interest is the intersection of theory and practice within illustration. How do the concepts and principles we study come to life in creating visual narratives? By unraveling these connections, I hope to shed light on the profound layers of meaning and intention woven into illustrators' images—my own and those that others create.

So, if you're craving content that critically examines the images we create, you've come to the right place :)


Creativity = Natural