User Research / Journey Mapping / Illustration

United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Knowledge Management Research

The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) aims to enhance global reproductive and maternal health by improving internal knowledge management practices and supporting colleagues worldwide in accessing, applying, and sharing vital information.

Human Rights

Tony Gui [Strategy Lead],
Julie Frank [Icon Design]

Journey Map


Problem Statement

How can we build a culture of learning and sharing to advance the UNFPA agenda?

The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) sought our expertise to address challenges and define opportunities for improvement in their internal communications. They wanted to understand and enhance internal knowledge-sharing practices thoroughly. We provided fresh perspectives and qualitative research to understand better the dissemination and application of crucial information within UNFPA's operations.


Understanding the Journey.

I conducted qualitative user interviews to explore how UNFPA approaches internal information sharing. I then translated these insights into a journey map, identifying key moments and pain points within the knowledge management process.

Total Participants: 14 people

User Groups: Country, Regional and Headquarters

Phases: Seeking, Applying, and Sharing

Journey Map (click for a closer look)

Presentation & Report

Design & Illustration

Findings were then translated into a comprehensive report and a presentation for delivery to the client. Working closely with a graphic designer, we created original icons and illustrations to help guide the reader through the document and tell the stories of those we interviewed.

Icon Design by Julie Frank

Report Illustrations

by Madelynn Romano


The final report uncovers opportunities to enhance the learning experience for UNFPA colleagues.